Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Avert thy eyes!"

So I have this issue with dancing - the issue is that I abosultoley love to dance, with anyone, anywhere, any time . Not sure when this habit got started but I do damn well that I am all about it. I think my friends Amy and Karen have had a strong influence on this dancing process. (FYI - while i type this blog I am listening to Stronger by Kanye and getting jiggy)

Fact - they invented and introduced me to "dance off, pants off" of which I have recently dominated my last three battles.
Fact - have spent multiple sessions in Karen's living room dancing after the night "ended."
Fact - "dancing reminds me of sex" - Susan Suda
Fact - I need a video of amy dancing. she's pretty hot. its true.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Reunions 2008

11pm east coast time adn there's no way I can sleep right now. Besides having to adjust to the 3 hour time change and the fact that my body has been up until 4 and 5:30am the past two nights, there is a crying baby only 10 feet away. What to do in these sitautions? well, tried to work but the network is down so elected to start another blog entry. This one specifically related to this weekend's 2008 reunions. So what did I learn after a two day Princeton reunion extravaganza?

1) That miss my friends at P-town.
2) That it is perfectly acceptable to leave reunions (and free drinks) to go to the bar and consume rounds of shots. Even if this does cost you $30 bucks and a perfectly good credit card (which I only just now discovered was missing)
3) That a BFFR (For you ignorant people, that means Best Friends for Reunions - duh.) can quickly turn on against you at the wee hours of the morning.
4) Not to make bets on games of pool with people you don't know (and along with this, that Jen is a pool shark.)

and finally my favorite qoute of the weekend...this was told to me the next day by my friend Ashwin. As I remember none of it, we'll have to trust his word -
Ashwin: "and then she looked at both of you, stared you straight in the face and said 'you do realize that I'm not drunk' and thats when I knew that you guys were in trouble.."

Absolutely a great way to start my nine day north east tour. Thanks to all my friends who either took the time to come eat lunch, go bike riding, pound some beers, play some pool, dance our pants off, go to wawa, or watch the p-rade. You rock and I'll miss you all and am already waiting with eager anticipation for next years events...

~ Dave

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Whats worth driving 3 hours on Friday night with a headache, missing out on the best Police cover band this side of the Mississippi, and not spending the weekend with your girlfriend?

Answer: First day of the 2007-2008 snowboarding season!

Lynn and I drove up last night (well actually, she drove while I pretended to be awake;), arrived at our rented condo around 12:30, stayed up until 2:30 playing with our snowboarding gear, only to wake up at 9:30 ready to hit the slopes! After a quick breakfast on vegan pancakes with sliced pears we hit the slopes

Monday, October 1, 2007

a chicken soup outlook

How many of you have lost a friend? I've lost a few in my life, not to death I'm glad to say but for more avoidable reasons which for one thing or another were...well, unavoidable. It's never easy and each time I'm left with an empty feeling that kind of gnaws away at my sides like a curious rat nibbling at a hunk of leftover cheese. Each time, I'm always at a loss, thinking what I could have done about it or how things could have been different. I try to be an optimist and in this situation, I've managed to find a real (but albeit small) white lining to losing a friend...the hope that when, or if, your paths cross again you will be a better person that you were today. That tomorrow you will be a better person that you were yesterday. The friend I lost called me "chicken soup man" - a play on the popular collections of short stories and because I make soup like comments, which may not solve problems, nor bring riches, but are heart warming stories that might make you feel better. I suppose this entry in itself could be called a chicken soup outlook and might be ridiculed by some as idealist or emotional. Maybe so, but when time's are tough and you're looking for something to pikc you up, a bowl of soup might go a long way. You know what? I'm hungry, hungry for some chicken soup.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Weekend in Santa Monica

Spent the weekend down in Santa Monica visiting my old friends and former roommates -Colin, Dan, and Andy. Great to see them and spent the weekend, biking, surfing, beaching bumming, playing volleyball, grilling, partying and! (a requirement of the grilling and partying ;)

Unforunately the weekend wasn't without its share of mishaps - while surfing, we left our bookbags containing baseball gloves, wallets, and cameras (gulp!) next to our cooler and beach towels. We couldn't have been more than 30 yards from the beach...Well, stupid us because when we came back, all our stuff was gone. Other than the obvious lesson learned here (don't leave your stuff unattended at the beach) I think i realized that all the stuff we have and tend to covote is just that...stuff. And the really important things like friends, memories, and experiences are things that luckily for us can never be taken away.

The weekend still went well and all three of those guys chipped in, loaned me $ to spend the rest of the weekend, paid for food, beer, etc and never asked for a dime - selfless. I'm happy to say that I had a great weekend, I have great friends whom I am quite sure I will remain in contact with for the rest of my life. That feeling alone is pretty special and I feel very lucky this morning as I wake up from my couch and prepare to head back to SF, renewed with motivation to go to work, put in the hours, and make some $ - money which will be used not to replace my camera or wallet, but to ensure that these random weekends, trips and experience will continue to flow my way

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Birthday Lessons

As my birthday draws near, I like to think of what the past year has taught me. What have I learned? How can I make my life better, happier, and ultimately more meaningful? Some of the lessons below are one's I've had to relearn and some of new for me. Most of this may seem obvious but are harder to follow than to say. Even the most important things, can be lost among the trials and tribulations that sweep across our daily skies. If you take the time to read this, take a moment, reflect, and really think about how one (or more) of these lessons can apply to you...

Be honest. honest with yourself and with others.
Do the right thing, even if it hurts you or is the hard thing to do.
Remember that the only thing you truly have control over in this life is yourself.
Your words, your actions, all are controllable and all have significant meaning.
You can't please everyone all the time.
People will hurt you. It's inevitable, but you can't stop trusting people or caring. If you do that then you've really lost.
Keep your friends involved in your life, when life gets beats you up it's these people that will pick you up.

As always, thanks for taking a little part of your day to read this and "listen" to me. Take care,
~ Dave

Sunday, July 15, 2007

My Home in Livemore

Check it out, my first movie!