Saturday, July 14, 2007

just a thought

I'm upset. My sister's home of several years was broken into by some vandals who stole nothing valuable to anyone other than my sister and her housemate BJ. The worst part was that they took my sister's safe which contained titles, birth certificates, morgage information, and other pieces of paper worth nothing to anyone else. Congratulations vandals, you risked going to prison for...maybe $300 dollers worth of jewelry and some paper. Nice job. Anyways, I'm happy to say that a neighbor saw their truck (black) and perhaps they'll get caught. They should. Caught and beaten.

So why do people steal? Some say from it's okay to steal from large corporations because these multi-billion dollar buisnesses have so much, they'de never notice. Other people say that slacking on the job is the same as stealing from those who write your paycheck. Regardless of what you believe, it should be noted that stealing is...well wrong, no matter how you slice it. But it's the same wrong as earning a good pay check and not giving something back to charity. The same wrong as loafing off of your friend's good fortune and not insisting (ever) to pay the bill when he takes it. The same as begrudging your roommates for eating "your food." Perhaps if we all changed are attitudes in some small way, something (I dont' know what) great would happen. You know, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts type of thing..just a thought.

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